Autopsied kidney of a housewife, presenting
headache, muscle pain, jaundice and oliguric hematuria
Key words : Leptospira interrogans, Weil's disease, nephritis
The renal interstitium reveals mild lymphoplasmacytic infiltration (HE). The histologic change appears to be mild, when compared with the serious clinical manifestations.
Warthin-Starry's silver demonstrates infection of finely spiral microbes in the renal interstitium, confirming the diagnosis of leptospirosis or Weil's disease (oil immersion).
Hepatic lesion in the same case Mild portal infiltration of lymphoid cells and distorted liver cell cords with intercellular edema are observed (HE). Hepatocytes are not necrotic. Similar to the situation in the kidney, the histologic change is relatively mild when compared with the serious clinical manifestation.
Striated muscle lesion in the same case Rhabdomyolysis is focally observed (HE). Muscle pain (particularly, pressure pain in the calf muscle) is characteristic of leptospirosis.
Meningeal lesion in the same case Minimal lymphoid infiltation is seen in the subarachnoid space (HE). Distinction from aseptic meningitis is needed.
Reference case 154A Warthin-Starry's silver for the urine sediment in case of leptospirosis (67 y-o M). A few coiled argyrophilic microbes are seen on the urothelial cell.
Reference case 154A Leptospira interrogans in blood cultured in Korthof's medium (Giemsa). Leptospira is resistant to be stained with Giemsa's solution.
Reference case 154A Scanning electron micrograph of Leptospira interrogans. Regular spiral structure of 0.5 mm periodicity is characteristic of cultured vLeptospira interrogans. Compare with the morphology of Borrelia burgdorferi in case 167.
Reference case 154B Borrelia recurrentis in the blood in an African patient of relapsing fever (Giemsa). Spiral microbes are easily identified in the blood in an early stage of relapsing fever. Borrelia species is relatively easy to be stained with Giemsa.